Exclusive, salacious interview with—me!

I talk to Hetty Eliot, a blogger who writes about her experiences of academia and working in a retail store, while also entertaining her readers with short stories occasionally.

Interview with Hetty Eliot, a Blogger — Muse of Eagle

Blogger Tanish from Muse of Eagle was kind enough to interview me on his blog. Please check it out! He’s an aspiring computer coder and writer from India and is a very determined young man!

(okay it’s not salacious but really what did you expect?!)

28 thoughts on “Exclusive, salacious interview with—me!

  1. Ah, all of my blog readers are here. Gentlemen, we find ourselves once again enthrall. This was one of my favorite interview blogs I’ve read in a long while. What I enjoyed about this one was that voice of honesty and openness where I felt like I was sitting comfortably with the gang and Hetty was telling us about her memories, observations, and struggles as she let us know how to improve our writing. To me, it is the essence of how the elusive story is born and having survived childbirth, goes on to New York to be a best seller. You gotta have some skin in the game it seems. I am reminded of a fellow named Earnest Hemingway who wrote fictional stories based on his life. One of his favorite things to do was hang out with expatriates and drink until sunrise telling old war stories and African adventures. Now, we can just meet on WP and save on whiskey and avoid hangovers. Bring it on, Hetty. I’m a fan.

    Liked by 5 people

      1. Sit and Bitch sessions are the most relatable form of communication and it helps the tribe to bond in common challenges. You are that writer that resonates with us, the common people who have big dreams, and a grounding reality. Plus your wit and humor is first class awesome.

        Liked by 2 people

          1. Agreed. I think bitching about the insanity of management over coffee or some other delightful beverage is the secret to good bitch sessions. If it meanders over into religious geopolitical ideologies it could go wrong rapidly unless everyone is on the same sheet. Men like sophomoric toilet humor mixed in to break up the rhythm of the whine. That’s why if it gets too alpha centric, someone will always fart to break up the crowd. We tend to change tactics in mixed company to slightly better public decorum, but not always. What’s your favorite subject to lay down some good rant?

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            1. Being on the same page is sooo important. You really have to get good at picking up on code words to see who’s on your side. Oddly enough, people with whom I seriously disagree always feel quite at home ranting to me, and in my head I’m like, what on earth makes you think I agree? But I always just nod and say something like, “Well, you know how it goes….” as a way to disagree without them realizing it. It’s always fun to engage in conspiracy theories with like-minded people. At work, the favorite rant of all is about the boss and to a lesser extent (among the honest people) how stupid the company is. At home, it’s all about religion and politics.

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              1. I like your approach. I can get sucked into professional disagreement easily because it’s important the right things be done and if I think the tide is carrying us out to the sea of doom, I speak up only to find the sea of doom has many supporters. When I realize I’ve been fooled again, I try to extricate myself gracefully and then tell myself to STFU while looking for something else to keep my head elves busy. I’ve gotten much better at letting things go and letting life and karma make all the adjustments. I finally was able to understand the saying, it’s better to be kind than right. Now, I find kindness a rare virtue on this angry blue planet.


  2. Fantastic interview Hetty, it was really interesting how you discussed the so called hierarchy on jobs. I started in retail and I loved it, but when I had my break to be a mother I noticed how rudely people treated retail staff. I tell my daughter all the time that it doesn’t matter what type of job you have they’re all hard work. Really enjoyed it

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Um… How can you interview a blogger about blogging when said blogger never blogs? Or appears to write more than a few spats beyond My Neurosis Today? According to this interview you have a bucket of psychological capers overflowing with twisted Hiaasen-esque fruitcakes. Yeah?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. In fairness, this was a few months ago when I posted marginally more… My intention is never to irritate anybody by these things, in fact I don’t post many things I’ve prepared because I don’t like to annoy people if they receive notifications. Do things written only “count” if they’re shared? Rhetorical question.

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      1. Sharing is not mandatory. The real question is more of bent reality. Or the everybody gets a trophy thing. I get it. Particularly from the pretense to interview a gurl. Ain’t the internet great? I bet his next will feature a farmer who doesn’t and a traffic who writes tickets for not speeding🤣

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  4. Hetty I really loved this Frank and honest interview. I believe that we can change our course of life at anytime. There are examples of people reworking their worlds later in life. When I was at uni, we had students coming in at the age of 30, 40, even 50. I have had bosses, that didn’t even have a degree when they started to work, but then via work they educated themselve, only after they found a passion (let’s face it, school can put anyone off). So it never to late! And are our decisions wrong – well not if we learn. I know and appreciate depression and anxeity just dont help. But, honestly you are so brillant, i wish you could see it . Baby steps! you just never know it might be the one. Try manifesting what you want for a few months, and may be…

    Brilliant interview and loved getting to know you better. Well done, for this interview – brillant read.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thanks very much for reading it. I do love answering questions lol. I’d probably post questionnaires for other people to answer if I thought people wouldn’t get annoyed about it. I certainly hope it’s never too late in life to make things happen… Life looks different after thirty, I noticed. It’s not always easy. But like you pointed out, many people do new, great things later on, even after 50. So there’s stuff to hope for. As always, thanks for your kind comments ❤

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  5. That was very interesting. I admire your ability to put yourself out there like that. If you are looking for affirmation that you are “OK,” then here it is. I am also impressed at your diligence in writing, overall.
    Here I quote you, because it resonated with something: “He’ll get curious about what you’re doing without him and may want to show you up.” Then you said you were joking, but I suspected not. My inner muse is much smarter than I am and no doubt when he notices me cluelessly pounding away at the keyboard, he perks up. Here, let me help you with that (you ignorant, misguided whatever.) But I like my muse OK because he lets me take credit for his stuff. Anyway, good read. Hope to see you here again soon.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ha, I like your take on the Muse, it all sounds amusing but there is truth to it. I feel like people think I am looking for affirmation but really I’m not, I just like putting it all out there and seeing what people relate to. It’s always very cool to connect with people in different ways.

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