About me

I have a saying: “Sometimes a cigar is not a cigar. Sometimes it’s a whole box of cigars”; meaning, sometimes the thing we’re upset about or arguing about with somebody is not the real issue. It’s a sign of some other much bigger issue.

So I tend to read a little bit too much into things.

I generally spend my days complaining and asking the big questions about life. The questions no one cares enough to ask or hear the answers to. That’s why they’re big. They’re just too big for anyone but myself to see.

The first goal of life is to find the meaning of it. What else is there? You can’t make a single move without it. You can’t even escape your existence without making a statement about its meaning. You make these determinations unconsciously until you decide to lift the rock and see what’s teeming underneath.

No matter what your beliefs are about the universe, how many dimensions it has, if it’s a holograph, was it created or uncreated, if God exists or not–you have to admit that something weird is going on here with this existence thing.

I am disgustingly self-centered and I am sorry for this, I am working on it.

I was born in 1988, you do the math so I don’t have to update my age every time it changes. I live in the northeastern USA. (Not New Jersey.) (Not that there’s anything wrong with that.) (Well, there is, but I won’t hold it against you.)

Right now, I write a hodgepodge about stuff like this:

  • Writing/procrastinating about writing
  • Depression and mental health
  • Epilepsy
  • Existential crises
  • Faith and religion, especially Catholicism.
  • Working in retail
  • Screwing up (my specialty)
  • My boss (my monomania)

I honestly don’t have a direction yet so it’s random.

Feel free to send feedback about my blog.

Come on, give me ideas. I need some help out here!

Yours truly,


P.S. Thank you so much for reading.

14 thoughts on “About me

  1. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being self-centred, in my book. Each of us is permanently stuck inside our own heads and can’t get out. I figure that a certain amount of introspection is necessary so as to recognise one’s flaws and enable them to be addressed.

    email me at: [redacted]@gmail.com

    I’m curious. How much spam do you get at that address? I ask as I’ve deliberately avoided publishing my own email address anywhere on the interwebz, and I don’t get a lot of spam; some, but not a lot. My brother, on the other hand, constantly complains about all the crap he has to wade through in his inbox.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I like how you worded that about introspection. That’s why I find personal blogging very practical as opposed to just writing a diary. People can tell you how dumb you sound when it’s public.

      Thanks for reminding me about the email address. I actually never get spam at that email believe it or not. The reason I put the email address itself is that there was something wrong with the contact form block, which is fixed now so I just deleted the address.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. How peculiar. For years now, I’ve had this belief that an email address posted on the interwebz would inevitably find its way onto spammers’ list. Maybe the Universe is stranger than I imagine, after all.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. I don’t believe I’ve come across this page before, even though it’s probably been here for some time. I just realised one of your niches is screwing up. Go away! That’s MY top subject! It’s great to see how your blog has been evolving through the years. Keep on keeping on, Hetty!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lol yeah my good old “About me” page. I don’t think most people see it either. Glad to hear there’re other people good at screwing up. Thanks for checking it out.


  3. Hello Hetty
    I thought I would say to love yourself is part of the second commandment Jesus referred to, love your neighbour as yourself.
    To love your neighbour you must love yourself otherwise you will not be able to truly love your neighbour.
    In loving your neighbour you also love yourself because it is written that it is more blessed to give than to receive.
    But you can be thankful in receiving, and giving thanks is more blessed because you give of course.
    And if you can thank your neighbour or even the heavenly Father who loves you dearly, then you are onto a winner. Thank both and you have double the blessing.
    Kind regards
    Baldmichael Theresoluteprotector’sson
    Please excuse the nom-de-plume, this is as much for fun as a riddle for people to solve if they wish.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you very much for reading my page. And I do believe that the words “thank you” are the two most important ones in the English language. I’m not clever enough to solve the riddle of your name, though, sadly!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You are quite right about ‘thank you’. I say they are far more important than ‘please’.

        But don’t think you are not clever enough so much as you don’t have the keys to my riddle. I think in life it is the lack of keys to problems that hold us back, but once we have them the doors are opened and then we wonder why we didn’t see what becomes obvious in hindsight.

        My riddle is rather complex and involves lateral thinking, although I put some clues in the posts I do, although they will not be obvious.

        If any one ever wants to try then they can ask me questions and subject to my discretion I will give suitable answers to help solve the puzzle.

        Liked by 1 person

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