When your fictional characters are like animatronics that you designed yourself.

Sometimes when I’m in a creative drought, I’ll walk around the mall “weirdo hunting” which is doing exactly what that sounds like. You find someone who looks weird and you follow them around. Bonus points if you’re bold enough to tail them to another store. If I don’t locate a weirdo, then I know that … Continue reading When your fictional characters are like animatronics that you designed yourself.

In which I talk to myself about what’s wrong with me. (part 1 of 1,000,000)

I thought I’d write a writer’s block post like everyone else does when they have writer’s block. Why do I have a block? Because of the imaginary little man in my head who criticizes and humiliates me. Based on a true, pathetic story, a real TL;DR. If I ever get to meet God, the first … Continue reading In which I talk to myself about what’s wrong with me. (part 1 of 1,000,000)

Writers, I need your help with character headspace

One thing I struggle with, when writing a character, is what I call "headspace," meaning someone's view of the world as molded by their era, upbringing, and milieu. Writing something contemporary is difficult for me because I'm just not up to speed with all the crap people do nowadays. My life does not revolve around … Continue reading Writers, I need your help with character headspace

Obligatory writer’s block post and a related stage of talk therapy

It's inevitable in the early life of a new blogger that it happens. The writer's block post, wherein the blogger laments having writer's block. And I shall not do any less. I've discovered that there's a parallel or a link between writer's block and a certain, oft-overlooked stage of therapy in which you haven't quite … Continue reading Obligatory writer’s block post and a related stage of talk therapy